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Neuroptimal® Brain Training

This innovative form of neurofeedback is not a medical treatment, but instead is a TRAINING for the brain. It does not require diagnosis, but rather it dances micro-second by micro-second with your brain offering it the information it needs to RE-ORGANIZE ITSELF. And when your brain does that, a whole lot of complaints drop away. You feel calmer, clearer, happier and able to function better in your life.

The brain responds to ‘information’ on a conscious and nonconscious manner, and typically without any assistance. We have the ability for complex processing and this is typically determined by how efficiently it functions as a self-organizing dynamical and transformational system. We find most tasks like breathing, eating and digestion are ultimately performed without our focused attention! Once we have learned a task such as reading, writing, riding a bike and even driving we rarely think about how we do it again. We have the ability to smoothly move from task to task in a seamless, flexible and resilient way. When we are able to constantly make decisions and respond without concern we are using an optimal brain. Neurofeedback gives us an opportunity to receive operational ‘information’ (feedback) and our brain will learn from this information. It is a specialized and advanced form of feedback that gives information back to you about the activity of the brain as it is occurring. The electrical activity generated by the central nervous system (CNS) processing can be detected by sensors placed on the scalp and displayed on a monitor in real-time. This is called the electroencephalograph or EEG. Neurofeedback (NF) has also benefited recently from significant advances in technology.

NeurOptimal® brain training works as a ‘detection and monitoring’ system of the changes in cortical patterns within the brain.

The brain has an inherent ability to self-correct when given the right information. NeurOptimal® is an advanced neuro-technology that offers training to the brain, enabling it to function at its best. It’s mathematically designed to communicate directly with your central nervous system to provide the brain with the information it needs to make its own adjustments. Inconsistency, or abrupt changes in electrical activity in the brain, undermines optimal functioning of the brain. NeurOptimal® detects these abrupt changes and informs the brain of these sudden shifts through interruptions in the sound you are listening to. These almost imperceptible pauses invite your central nervous system to pull away from this less-than-ideal path it was on. This happens over and over until the natural self-correction becomes your new normal and your brain functions more efficiently, effectively and comfortably.

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