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Ballancer Pro®

The Ballancer Pro is a pneumatic compression device that is used to improve lymphatic drainage and blood circulation in the body. The device consists of a series of chambers that are inflated and deflated in a specific sequence, which creates a gentle pressure wave that moves through the body and helps to promote circulation and lymphatic flow.

The Lymphatic System is a major part of our Immune System and one of its most vital roles is to properly drain toxins, excess waste, fluids, lactic acid amongst other crucial tasks for our bodies. It has three interrelated functions which include:

  • Removal of excess fluids from the body’s tissue
  • Absorption of fatty acids and transportation of fat
  • Production of immune cells

The Lymphatic System works in cooperation with white blood cells to protect the body in many ways. These include the prevention of infection by cancer cells, fungi, viruses, and other bacteria. When our lymph nodes become swollen, unpleasant health issues tend to ensue. You can improve your body’s ability to protect itself by addressing symptoms of swollen lymph Nodes. The Ballancer®Pro is an FDA Cleared device that massages your lymphatic through low-pressure peristalsis to promote a healthy lymphatic system.

The Ballancer Pro can provide several benefits for your health, including:

Improved lymphatic drainage: The Ballancer Pro can help to improve lymphatic drainage in the body, which is important for the removal of waste and toxins. By improving lymphatic flow, the device can help to reduce swelling and inflammation in the body, improve immune function, and reduce the risk of certain health conditions.

Enhanced blood circulation: The Ballancer Pro can also help to improve blood circulation in the body. This can help to increase oxygen and nutrient delivery to the body’s tissues and improve overall physical function.

Reduced muscle soreness and fatigue: The Ballancer Pro can be used to reduce muscle soreness and fatigue after exercise. The device’s compression and decompression sequence can help to improve blood flow and reduce inflammation, which can help to improve recovery time and reduce the risk of injury.

Weight loss and cellulite reduction: The Ballancer Pro can also be used to support weight loss and reduce the appearance of cellulite. By improving lymphatic drainage and circulation, the device can help to promote the breakdown of fat cells and reduce the accumulation of cellulite.

Overall, the Ballancer Pro is a non-invasive and effective tool for promoting better health and wellness. It can be used for a variety of purposes, from improving lymphatic flow and reducing inflammation to supporting weight loss and reducing the appearance of cellulite.

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